Kampong Glam~ Explore & Experience~

Image result for singapore kampong glam

     Have you ever read the Arabian Night or Disney Animation movie, Aladdin? Today I'll talk about Kampong Glam where you'll be in the pages of the stories.
Kampong Glam is literally glamorous (glam means glamorous in a local language). Its street has a deep history and culture, which is related to their religion. 

Sultan Mosque 

     Look at this shining Sultan Mosque like the fine sun. The Islamic heart of Singapore was built in 1825 by Sultan Hussian Shah (the first Sultan of Singapore). The impressive complex has the main prayer hall (it can hold up to 5,000 worshipers!!) and the room in which they are teaching the saying. The travelers can also go inside and learn the history of them and take a look at the Bible. however, please remember non-Muslims are not allowed to enter the prayer hall.  you can join the informative guide tours spoken in English, Malay, Chinese and Japanese. 

     The local people pay attention to their life related to religion, so there is a restricted rule in cafes and restaurants located in this street. For instance, they must not sell any alcohol to keep the stable environment for worshipers. 

The area is 10 am-noon & 2-4 pm Sat- Thu, 2:30-4 pm Fri
5 minutes from Bugis MRT Station

Map from Bugis, Singapore to Masjid Sultan, 3 Muscat St, Singapore 198833

Wall arts

     As noted before, Singapore is a magnificent art country, and Kampong Glam has also many attractive spots. Especially, near Sultan Mosque, there are so many art buildings that paints pictures in your mind. In comparison to more fashionable Little India's arts, I think these are more common and simple, which it may appear in the real city and town. For example, in the leftpicture, you can see some pictures hung on the wall and a bike harmonized with the calm blue color. It reminds of me some posher street in Europe.

     The right art is based on nature such as birds, tigers, the ocean and mountains. You'll gaze at the grand works one by one, lined up along the long street, and then it'll take you Sultan Mosque without realizing.

     When you're there, there is no time to take a rest because Kampong Glam is a museum area, which may sparked your interest in observing arts if you are not interested in it at all.


  1. Your pictures are awesome and they attract the reader's attentions fully. Moreover, you underlined keywords on your post. It will help viewers understand the contents clearly. Then, we can imagine where the traditional buildings are through looking at a map.

    1. It's a little difficult for me and the readers to share the information to the max because they don't know the view of Singapore, and they didn't go there on foot. I wish I could tell you the points as much as possible.

  2. I love Disney, so I thought Kampong Gram as if I entered Aladdin's world was wonderful. I was also impressed with the wall arts that differ from Little India.

    1. I recommend you go there if you're available. Thank you for remembering about Little India.

  3. I still feel that a profile shot of you situated just next to the word Welcome on your main page will bring a little more familiarity to your writing. There is excellent color contrast in your posts and your pictures are well selected and well placed. Perhaps next time you could try adding a video.

  4. All are beautiful photos! When I see a picture like this, I want to go to Singapore! Also, each explanation is detailed and easy to understand! Thank you for the useful information.

  5. I came to think Singapore is one of the most cultured countries in the world. It would be extremely interesting to explore the country with arts always in presence. It was also a good idea for you to add such detailed information as opening hours of specific temples. That is really helpful and informative. I would like to also mention you always choose the best pictures that demonstrate your points/explanations. Very nice work again.


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